Comparing Google and Algorithm Updates: What Has Changed?

Reja Rapheekh Updated on: August 23rd, 2024
google updates

Staying up to date with the latest trends is a crucial part of any business. In the search engine landscape, Google’s algorithm updates are more important than you think. These updates have revolutionized how businesses approach SEO and how users find content online. New updates are focusing on a  better user experience with more refined changes as we approach 2024. If you are involved in digital marketing, it is important to understand what has changed and how it impacts Google SEO. 

How Google’s Algorithm evolved over the years? 

As we all know, the Google algorithm determines the fate of websites. It is the secret sauce behind its search engine and decides which websites should rank at the top and which should be hidden. 

The Google algorithm  has evolved so finely these years. Earlier, it was so straightforward, and SEO heavily relied on keywords, backlinks, and on-page optimization. Google has changed its approach according to improved user needs. Apparently, the focus shifted from mere keywords to exploring user intent and delivering the most amazing results. 

Panda and Penguin- The beginning of major overhauls 

There was a tendency to post low-quality content on websites, stuff keywords, and copy content from other sources. The Panda update in 2011,  targeted such things to improve the content quality on sites. The goal was to encourage high-quality, original content. For businesses, the quality of the content matters more than its quantity. It should be engaging, valuable, and informative to the reader. 

Penguin was introduced in 2012, focusing on unnatural backlinks. Earlier, SEO strategies involved acquiring backlinks regardless of their quality and relevance. Penguin updates restricted websites with spammy or irrelevant backlinks. This encouraged marketers to focus their efforts on building natural and authoritative links.  These updates were catalysts for  a more user-centric approach to Google SEO. 

Hummingbird – Understanding user intent 

Hummingbird was introduced in 2013, which changed things as a whole. This update was all about understanding the intent behind a user’s query. Hummingbird enabled Google to interpret the context of the words instead of just matching the keywords.  It increased the quality of the content as it demanded more comprehensive and relevant content to the user’s needs. 

This was a very effective update in Google SEO, and highlighted the significance of long-tail keywords. It aimed at creating content that answered specific questions. Earlier, marketers were focusing on keywords that users were most likely to type, but now, after this update, they are more curious about what the users were  really searching for. 

Mobile-First indexing : Adapting to user behavior 

Mobile usage surged in the middle of 2017, and Google adapted to indexing and ranking. In 2018, Google introduced the mobile-first indexing update. Now, Google predominantly uses the mobile version of a website’s content for indexing and ranking. It was a direct response to the rising popularity of users who access the internet through smartphones. 

Eventually, it became a necessity for businesses to have a mobile-friendly website. Websites needed to be responsive, fast-loading, and easy to navigate on mobile devices. As a result of this update, it became clear that Google SEO is not just about the content, it’s also about the user experience. 

BERT and MUM : Natural language processing

The BERT update was introduced in 2019, which became a crucial advancement in Google’s ability to process natural language. Bert or bidirectional encoder representations from transformers is more applicable for longer and conversational queries. It allowed Google to catch the context and variations of words in a search query better. 

MUM ( Multitask Unified Model ) not only understands the language, but also generates it. It was launched in 2011, following the BERT update, and amplified Google’s ability to provide more accurate and comprehensive answers to complex queries. 

The goal of these updates was  to promote easy, clear, and well-constructed content. 

The Rise of E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness

E-A-T was introduced as a principle that guides Google’s search quality evaluations rather than a specific algorithm update. Websites that have expertise in their field are recognized as authoritative ones , and trustworthy sites are more likely to rank well. 

For businesses, this means that SEO in 2024 is not just about technical optimization or keyword strategies. It’s about building a reputation as a credible source of information. This can be achieved through high-quality content, authoritative backlinks, and maintaining a positive online presence.

It is important for Google to improve its algorithm to prioritize user experience and relevance. Therefore, Google SEO should be more refined, focusing more on the quality and credibility of overall content than just on keywords and backlinks. 


Businesses need to stay updated on the changes in Google algorithms. These updates have transformed search engine optimization over the years and will continue to do the same in the future. As we move into 2024, the key to successful Google SEO will be staying informed about these changes and consistently providing value to users.