AI vs Human Content: Which is better for Blogging?

Blogging is one of the most prominent forms of content marketing. It interacts with the audience in the most appealing way. Through blogging, we can catch the attention of a large number of people, considering their emotions and interests. Over the years, we have employed different blogging strategies. And one of the recent approaches is the storytelling method employed by content writers.
On the other hand, artificial intelligence has made an impressive entrance with many thought-provoking and fascinating tools. Generative AI is one of them. It helped writers create content faster with the help of data analytics capabilities. The rise of prompting techniques has paved the way for effective results, and people have begun churning out blogs one after another. However, will AI content always win the game? What’s the role of humanized content in blogging? Let’s see!
There are certain categories you should take into account when blogging. They are content quality, content creation speed, SEO, fast checking, originality, word count, and structure.
The quality of the content always matters, regardless of the way you plan to write it. When it comes to marketing, quality content is the king. You can write a massive amount of data with the help of AI assistants, but it will always lack quality. Quality is something that you cannot trade off.
Humanized content is more personalized. It engages with the audience in a different way. Humanized content can always tell where their audiences’ minds are, and it directly speaks to the reader, addressing their specific needs and concerns. This is something AI content lacks.
AI content is weak at fostering trust with the target audience. Personalized content focuses on emotional engagement. It evokes certain emotions and influences decision making.
Human intelligence is relatively slower than AI. AI can analyze data and create content faster than humans.
Human writers need time to research the topic, collect information, analyze it with case studies, and produce unique content of their own. It can be a time consuming process, while AI can produce a blog within a second.
AI is very helpful in finding the right keywords for your content. However, it can sometimes go wrong. The use of AI can lead to overused keywords, which will eventually affect SEO performance adversely. Human writers excel in creativity, originality, and emotional engagement. Their content resonates deeply with the readers.
The perfect blend of human – and AI generated content can create magic. You can do proper keyword research, find keyword density, and utilize long-tail keywords with the help of AI tools. Also, human writers can make use of their SEO knowledge to achieve a higher level of SEO optimization.
It is always better not to fast-check with AI tools, but with human intelligence. AI tools are most likely to provide limited information. Sometimes, they make things up that have no connection with reality. AI tools like ChatGPT, which rely on pre-trained models and a fixed knowledge base, have limitations when it comes to accessing current events and real-time information.
Rely on human intelligence to fast-check as they can benefit from critical thinking. The content needs careful cross-referencing with multiple credible sources to ensure accuracy.
The originality of your content is very important as it acts as a bridge of trust between you and your audience. AI is trained to modify the already given information and it lacks originality. They are not able to connect with the audience in the way human writers do. In order to build credibility, your content must have a personal touch that fosters a strong connection. Human writers bring unique perspectives, emotions, and creativity.
Sometimes, your topic needs to be thoroughly researched to produce content that may have a huge word count. In such situations, you can rely on AI. AI can efficiently generate detailed explanations, descriptions, and responses without tiring, making it ideal for tasks requiring substantial word counts. Human writers need time to create a huge article, but they will always be superior.
Most of the time, AI generates content in a repetitive manner. They create content in the same format while human writers can organize it differently. They can write with different tones, styles, and structures to maintain reader interest and engagement.
AI content often lacks readability due to its inappropriate structure. Blogs should consist of a brief and appealing introduction, an informative body, and a conclusion with a call to action.
From a blogger’s point of view, it is always better to rely on human content rather than AI. In a world of AI content, present your articles in the most unique way, utilizing your creativity and knowledge.
AI tools are the best at helping you produce large textual content, and they can also be used for reference. A perfect combination of AI and humanized content can create more compelling articles within a limited time, leading to better SEO performance.
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